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Dark Web Hacking Forum BreachForums Creator Arrested by FBI

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FBI agents arrested Conor Brian Fitzpatrick, also known as Pompompurin, for allegedly creating the dark web hacking website, BreachForums. The site continues to operate under new ownership.

The recent arrest of Conor Brian Fitzpatrick, also known as Pompompurin, has brought to light the activities of the dark web hacking website BreachForums. Fitzpatrick, who was arrested by the FBI on March 15, 2023, is alleged to be the owner of the site and has been charged with one count of conspiracy to solicit individuals to sell unauthorized access devices.

BreachForums gained popularity among hackers and ransomware gangs after its predecessor, RaidForums, was seized and dismantled by the FBI. In less than a year, it reportedly hosted around 1,000 stolen databases, which individuals or syndicates could purchase for fraud-related activity. Fitzpatrick’s arrest has raised concerns about the potential for further breaches and data leaks, given the number of cyberattacks that have been linked to BreachForums.

The site has been implicated in several recent cyberattacks, including the breach of DC Health Link, a healthcare marketplace frequently used by US government staff members and politicians, as well as the breach of Australian telecommunications company Optus.

Despite Fitzpatrick’s arrest, the forum has continued to operate with new ownership, raising further concerns about the security of sensitive information. Baphomet, the new administrator, has assured users that they possess the requisite access to safeguard both the forum’s infrastructure and its users. The arrest of Pompompurin and the continued operation of BreachForums with new ownership raises concerns about the security of sensitive information. Organizations and individuals should take steps to protect themselves against cyberattacks and remain vigilant in the face of potential threats.

The potential for further breaches and data leaks remains a significant concern for individuals and organizations alike. Cybersecurity experts recommend taking steps to protect sensitive information, such as using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and keeping software up-to-date. Additionally, individuals should be wary of suspicious emails and phishing attempts, which can be used to gain access to sensitive information.

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