585 Grove St. Ste#145, Herndon, VA 20170

External Network Penetration Test

Our security testing team will perform external penetration test on your network based on established methodology. The approach will emulate the techniques of an attacker using similar tools and techniques. We will deliver an initial report with detailed findings and support your remediation effort. After remediation, we will perform a follow-up test to validate and subsequently deliver the final compliant report.

Our Testing team do not perform any exploitation, unless explicitly approved.


Your network edge is the first barrier between the open untrusted network and your organizational network. External Network Penetration Testing is a security assessment of your perimeter systems. Your perimeter comprises all those systems which are directly reachable from the internet. They are the most exposed systems as they are out in the open and are therefore the most easily and regularly attacked.
External Penetration Testing is a combination of manual and automated testing of a organization’s public facing systems by simulating a malicious attacker on the internet. Public facing systems include servers that have public IP addresses which can be accessed by users on the internet – for example websites and email servers.


Vulnerability Scan Vs Penetration Test

Compared to Vulnerability Scan, Penetration tests go deeper. A typical vulnerability scan is performed using an automated security scanner that detects patterns and signatures that match a pre-defined set of vulnerabilities. However, scans are not capable to cross referencing vulnerabilities for targeted attacks. Automated scans are also incapable of understanding critical business functions and unique infrastructure specific to your organization. Complete dependency on vulnerability scans may result in missing critical security flaws and insecure device configurations.


Our Services

Our consultant will work with you throughout the project. Starting with discussing the scope and determining the targets, our assessors will schedule the testing based on your convenience and during the least intrusion hours. Our consultant will assist in understanding any findings as well as prioritizing remediation efforts.

Need more Information? Talk to us Today

(‪571) 250-7542‬

Email contact@grcassist.com