585 Grove St. Ste#145, Herndon, VA 20170

Internal Network Vulnerability Scan

GRC Assist will perform internal Vulnerability scan of your network. We will discuss the schedule to ensure the scans are performed with minimum impact to your network. Our consultant will work with you post scan to discuss any findings and provide recommendations. Rescans after remediation is included as part of the service so you get compliant report at the end of the engagement.


Enterprise security is mostly focused on securing external network perimeter. Many organizations allocate a fraction of resources to securing their network infrastructure against inside attacks. Internal systems can also be reached with a little extra effort.  Unpatched software or the lack of hardening of internal systems can help an attacker move around internal systems once they’ve gained an initial foothold.

Internal vulnerability scans are required for businesses of all shapes and sizes. In addition, many organizations that are required to comply with compliance and regulatory requirements such as the PCI DSS, where conducting internal scans are essential steps to achieving and maintaining compliance.

Having a well patched and hardened internal environment will help you safeguard your network against ever evolving threats. In addition, regular internal scans are requirements to comply with many security standards and regulatory requirements.

Our Services

Vulnerability scanning is an important first step for any organization that wants to determine the best path towards hardening security defenses. With internal vulnerability scans, the primary target is the internal enterprise network. In case of an attack, the threat agent can leave enterprise systems prone to damage. These scans search for and identify the vulnerabilities inside the network in order to avoid damage, as well as to allow organizations to protect and tighten systems and application security that are not exposed by external scans.

Our consultant will work with you throughout the project. Starting with discussing the scope and determining the scan targets, our assessors will schedule the scan during the least intrusion hours.

Once the initial scan results are delivered, our consultant will assist in understanding any findings as well as prioritizing remediation efforts.



Our scan services can be purchased as a one off service. If you require scans to be conducted as periodic intervals, please contact us for managed services including scanning at regular frequency, vulnerability management and tracking.

Need more Information? Talk to us Today

(‪571) 250-7542‬

Email contact@grcassist.com